Sunday, September 7, 2014

Blog Post #3

I want your feedback
Stay Positive! That is the main thing that I learned from these videos and slideshows. Always when you are peer editing, remember that you do not need to tell them what to do. Simply just offer a suggestion right after you tell them what you thought they did well on. You don't want to circumcise them, just be kind and positive, even if they may be whatever William. You can do this by remembering the 3 steps in peer editing compliments, suggestions, and corrections.
Another thing that I learned that peer editing means, "working with someone your own age - usually someone in your class - to help improve, revise, and edit his or her writing." Give compliments like, "I really loved your topic." When giving suggestions "stay positive and specific." Then when you give corrections you should be looking for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. All of these suggestions make since on how to help you when peer editing. You also should editing someones paper the same way that you would want your paper edited. and once again Stay Positive!
Punctuation correction marks


  1. Heather,
    I completely agree. In order to help others you cannot tear people down. You must encourage them to be better in order to see a positive change.

  2. Please make sure to include working links in every blog posts.

    Also, do not assume that your reader has seen the video you are referencing or read the blog posts you refer to. Please include a short description and the link in your blog posts.

    You also must add alt and title modifiers to every picture in your blog.
