What do we need to know about asking questions to be an effective teacher?
Question= a sentence worded or expressed so as to elicit information
When asking a effective questions you need to remember the three steps:
1. Prepare- You do not want your questions to not make
sense to the student, and confuse them
2. Play with Questions- Ask questions that make students keep
thinking after the question has been answered
3. Preserve good Questions- Listen to the students, and then
repeat or change the question around for the students
Irene Leonard says, "that effective questions are questions that are powerful and thought provoking. Effective questions are open-ended and not leading questions". Open-ended questions can leave room for discussion. This is a more effective way to ask questions instead of a closed-ended question to where it can just be answered with yes or no. As teachers we need to be able to admit that we do not always no everything, we are learning from the students just as much as they are learning from us. When asking questions in general we kind of get a understanding on how the class learns. Mind/Shift: How we will learn claims that, "asking question can be a passive model that relies on students to absorb information they need to reproduce on a test". One thing that I saw for effective questions that stood out was from Guy Claxton and he said, "good learning starts with questions, not answers". This statement can not only open up more questions that could be asked, but reveals a new aspect of thinking when asking a effective question. "Questions can be used to stimulate discussion, creative, and critical thinking".Cornell University
" Irene Leonard" This is not a working link.