Now that your at the end of the semester and you only have one blog post left, I want you tell me why EDM310 is significant for you in becoming a teacher. I know a lot of you might have wondered why this class was important at the beginning of the semester, but now you should know how this class has helped you. Tell me what you learned from this class, and how has it helped you. And last but not least find a activity that you can use in your grade of choice and explain it.
This class has helped me in several ways. It has opened up my eyes to a bigger world of technology in the classroom. I never knew what kids could be capable of if given the chance or the tools. Just as it did when we first began it surprises me that the things that kids are learning now in kindergarten or first grade is what I am just now learning to do in EDM310. EDM310 has taught me to incorporate technology into my lessons as much as possible whether it be with a smartboard, ipad, or computer. Involve technology in the learning process because that is a major source of how the kids these days learn.
When I have kids in my future classroom I need to remember to engage the students to learn. Make it fun for them and not be boring. I think a important thing that I learned from this class was how to create a lesson plan, and how important it is to use ALEX and Buck Institute. When I first started this class I didn't understand why we needed to know how to blog but going back to one of my favorite blog post with Randy Paunch . I think this class was a "headfake". While we were not only learning how to make blogs, we were really learning how find as many ways to use technology in a classroom. It wasn't about the actually blogs, it was about what we got out of the blogs like from the research and the videos that we watched. This class taught me much more than just how to blog, it taught me better ways of teaching in a 21st century classroom using Project Based Learning.
Heather Trawicks Blog has come along way since the beginning of class and I think I will take the experience from learning how to blog and continue with one, and find different networks that I can find people to learn from in the future.
I really would like to teach kindergarten one day. I want to use the example that I used in smartboard project part b. I found a couple of worksheets in math. I placed them on the smart notebook. The worksheets wanted the students to recognize certain numbers that were missing or how many cars there were. I thought this was a good way to involve the students in the activity. I would like to use methods like these in in my classroom. Below is one of the worksheets that I used in the project. I asks the "students"(my group members) to identify the bubble with the number that I asked them to find and color it in.
The pictures below are pictures of my sister and I on Halloween. We
Had to dress up for class. My sister was the queen of hearts and she
Had to recite a the queen of hearts nursery rhyme as well as dress up.
I had to dress up for extra credit. I chose to be a ninja turtle. I think these
Are 2 ways that teachers got us engaged in class for that day. It was so
Fun for the both of us.
Very good post :)